If you don't register for this camp, you'll certainly miss out on this ENCHANTED summer offering at SASD! Get ready to SHAKE IT OFF with Miss. Karis during this Swifite themed camp! Find your inner pop-star during 4 days of singing, dancing, song writing, costume designing, crafting, BEJEWELED week of fun! Make the whole summer SHIMMER by registering today! This camp will sell out! Dates: July22nd-25th 1-3:30pm!
Price: $170 per dancer *Looking for a full day camp option? Students can register for Happily Ever After Princess Dance Camp Monday-Wednesday 9:30-12noon and have your campers day extended! Plus, enjoy two completely fun filled camp options with a FREE 60 minute break for lunch in between!Register for both camps and enjoy MORE SASD this summer! |
New to SASD?!?Let's get you registered! Every family must first start by registering their child with our parent portal, also known as JackRabbit!
Returning Student?!?If you have already registered online with us prior, that means you are one step closer to the fun. Login to your parent portal to register for new classes, camps, clinics and more!